25 Kasım 2010 Perşembe

I learned my English class (22_26 November)

A) The first lesson this week that'MESY ROOM BY SHEL SILVERSTEİN' poem rewieved.


MESSY: kirli
1.Jennifer's room is MESSY.
1.I love my ROOM.
UNDERWEAR:iç çamışırı
1.Daniel lost underwear.
1.Cansu stores that bought the RAİNCOAT.
1.Chair is mucky and DAMP.
1.is pants have been careslessly hung on the door.
1.I have a SCARF.
SMELLY:pis kokan
1.His smelly old sock has been stuck to the wall.
1.I knew it looked familiar.

                   We learned the differences between two people.
                    CANSU                                                GÜLŞAH
 SAME:They are both wearing earings,they are both smart and beatifıl,they are both turkish speak,turkısh and a little english.
DİFFERENT:Cansu is wearing glasses.Gülşah's isn't wearing glasses.Cansu is wearing a pair of jeans.Gülşah is wearing a pair of pants.Gülşah is older than Cansu.Gülşah's hair is longer and darker than Cansu.

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